
We are committed to continuing to build the strongest network of appraisers in the industry. Service is at the forefront of our mission, and we believe this starts with you, the appraiser. We provide the necessary tools and resources to ensure our network’s success and, ultimately, the customer receives an experience unlike any other. We refer to it as the Nexterra Experience! As an appraiser with Nexterra, we can provide you with regional and national opportunities as well as a means to grow! Come be part of the Nexterra movement!

Become a Partner

Phone Number:

Years of Experience?:
States currently licensed in:
Work area radius:
Formal Training in Auto Estimatics?:
Experience writing estimates in CCC?:
Currently working with other Carriers?:
Number of Estimates written in CCC:
Have you used ClaimLeader?:
Experience with RVs/Trailers?:
Experience writing PDR Hail Estimates?:
Willing to be deployed?:
Ability to desk write from photos/scope?:
Network of Appraisers or Solo Appraiser?: